Sunday, October 15, 2006

Untrodden Ground

I want to applaud many of you for your honest reflections concerning weeks #1-5 in APUSH. I am happy that all you decided to push yourself into a more challenging course. Remember Day #1 in class we discussed how heart and brains are a potent combination, just like attitude (open-minded and positive) and aptitude (innate or acquired capacity for something). These will take you well beyond the challenges of this or any academic course.

What I took from the conversation:

You are struggling with time management and the heavy reading load compared to past social studies classes.
The reading load will remain constant, but I may tinker with how we publish and process the content. I will balance the text readings with supplemental excerpts and audio content from leading historians to help paint the picture :)

I also want to make sure the journal is a workable study tool, without being a bunch of guided reading questions you can not incorporate into discussions (in class or on-line). We will continue to work on this point.

Most of enjoy the Web 2.0 applications (Blogs, Podcasts, and Wikis) and are excited about using these tools.
I will continue to employ this tools as we "uncover" the curriculum. I think you all have adapted well to the web 2.0 environment (Web 2.0 - refers to second - generation of internet based services such as social networking sites, wikis, and other communication tools that let people collaborate and share information online in previously unavailable ways). Since we are walking on untrodden ground, our wiki and blog can go in some exciting directions.

Keep in mind our class (as a group or individually) will be producing several podcasts this academic year. I will begin posting show options after Santa comes so you can start thinking about the role you want to play in the production process. We are not going to get lost in the "tech" side of production. We will produce relevant, accurate, and articulate audio programming that will help you (and fellow AP students) master the content!!

Mr. H


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