Saturday, January 06, 2007

Civil War Option #1 - Emancipation, 1863

You are to assume the identity of one of the following groups and offer your reaction to Lincoln's Emanicpation Prcolamation.

1. White Southerner
2. Black Southern slave
3. White Northerner
4. Black Nothern free person

Abraham Lincoln's Crossroads Click on Crossroad #9 Final Emancipation

Interactive Constitution - Amendment #13

HW Assignments - Bailey and Chapter 13-14 (questions 27-30); Civil War Fact sheet


At 4:14 PM, Blogger Andrew Butler said...

Option #2

Finally I'm free. I've been here since i was born and its finally good to have liberty and be able to do what i want to do. I need to get out of the south quick though there is no telling what some people may do to me. Maybe I can go up north work in the factory. Until this war is over i should stay quiet. No need to start a ruckus after i've just been let go and my old owners must be mad. Thats another good thing no more whippings they were horrible and now i have no more.

At 5:03 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Option1: White Southerner
Mr. Lincoln with all due respect, you sir are a madman, have you not realized that we have seceded for a reason? This reason if not evident enough is to keep slavery legal; this is why we are fighting this war. The South sir thrives on slavery, if not for slavery we would not be able to survive. Let me put this into terms you can understand because you obviously have no idea what you are doing to the South. Let’s say for a moment that the president of the former United States was a Southerner, what would you say Mr. Lincoln if that president shut down all factories in the North, because the working conditions were slightly out of shape? No matter what your response your economy would crumble, all methods of your modern production would end. Sir, you are an outrage.


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