Sunday, November 26, 2006

Option #2 Redefining Veto Power

Blog Post based on HW readings Breaking the Bank- Andrew Jackson and the Second Nation Bank and How Democratic was Jacksonian Democracy?

Option #2 The Second Bank of the United States charter had been upheld by the Supreme Court in 1819; it was constitutional. Jackson vetoed its re-charter because he felt it unethical. How was Jackson's use of the Veto different from previous Presidents?

Please post by November 27th at 6:00 pm


At 6:07 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Constitutionality? That was the question with all of the previous presidents when they were deciding whether or not to veto. This was not the case however with Jackson. As has been stated by pretty much everyone before me, Jackson vetoed the 2nd National Bank's Charter, because he thought the bank to be moaraly corupt.

Another problem that Jackson immediately saw was that many of the bank's owners were not American, but rather owed their allegience to another country. If the USA were to ever have gone to war with one of those countries, then the 2nd National Bank could have easily made our economy crash. Jackson saw this as a danger to the USA and therefore saw it as another reason that he should veto the Charter.


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