Tuesday, November 07, 2006

Election Day (1800?) 2006

The Adams vs. Jefferson Presidential election of 1800 was a true turning point in American history. It represented a dramatic struggle between two parties with very different visions of how the nation should be governed. The campaign itself was a barroom brawl, with mud-slinging (Federalists called Jefferson "a howling atheist"), scare tactics, and backstabbing. The low point came when Alexander Hamilton printed a devastating attack on Adams, the head of his own party, in "fifty-four pages of unremitting vilification." (Some text taken from Booknotes.)

For this blog post comment on the mudslinging in our local Congressional election (New York's 20th district) between John Sweeney and Kirsten Gillibrand and your feelings on how this type of camping impacted local voter turnout and overall participation in the political process (individual voters, office holders/candidates, and volunteers)


At 9:44 PM, Blogger Mr. H said...

I linked up a couple of commercials for each candiate for your reference

Short answer on the comtroller question: Comtrollers supervise government expenditures.Check out Mr. Hevesi's website http://www.osc.state.ny.us/ to see what falls under government "expenditures"

At 7:30 PM, Blogger Andrew Butler said...

I think the mudslinging by gillibrand and sweeney was kind of funny.Every minute there was one on and most of them just were taking shots at republicans or democrats in general.I think it made voter turnout better because people had stronger views on the campaign because of the ads so they felt they had to vote fot one.All the phone calls to vote were rediculous, we got phone calls from Laura Bush (Recording),Hillary Clinton (Recording and some guy from the democratics telling us how bad the republicans were with in 10 minutes.I think most people in the country were fed up with the war so they decided to vote democrat.I know alot about these current affairs and i think i know pretty wel thats what is going on with most people in US but not everybody.The Alan Hevesi problem, i'm sorry but i really don't care he payed the state back can't that be an apology?


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