Sunday, January 07, 2007

Civil War Option #3 Lincoln's Second Inaugral

Second Inaugural Address of Abraham Lincoln

Review Lincoln's second inaugural address and write a response from the perspective of either -

1. a Radical Republican

2. a Freedman

3. a former Confederate

Bailey HW question #4 pp.449-451; Second Inaugural Address of Abraham Lincoln

Saturday, January 06, 2007

Civil War Option #2 - Lincoln and the Constitution

Choose of the following actions of Abraham Lincoln during the Civil War and find the provision in the Constitution that was violated

Example: Censored some anti-Union newspapers - Amendment #1 Freedom fo Speech

During the Civil War, Abraham Lincoln....

#1 suspended the writ without congressional approval
#2 increases size of the army without Congressional approval
#3 withdrew 2 million dollars without authorization
#4 arrested and jailed anti-Unionists giving no reason for arrest.
#5 set up military courts to try Confederate sympathizers

Civil War Fact Sheet; National Experience Text questions; and the Interactive Constitution

Civil War Option #1 - Emancipation, 1863

You are to assume the identity of one of the following groups and offer your reaction to Lincoln's Emanicpation Prcolamation.

1. White Southerner
2. Black Southern slave
3. White Northerner
4. Black Nothern free person

Abraham Lincoln's Crossroads Click on Crossroad #9 Final Emancipation

Interactive Constitution - Amendment #13

HW Assignments - Bailey and Chapter 13-14 (questions 27-30); Civil War Fact sheet

Party Politics GEM Option

Go the Extra Mile for this optional blog post and earn an omit on our next test. Utilize the following resources to create your own chart of the Poiltical Parties 1824-1864. You can create this chart as a word document or one lined paper.

Source #1 Our Wiki Timeline
Source #2 Our Blog post containing 23 ancedotes and facts
Source #3 Political Party Timeline: 1836-1864