Wednesday, February 28, 2007

Social Thought in the Gilded Age

The power of ideas and the choices over how to deal with industrialization, immigration, and urbanization helped to structure the possible solutions needed to address the growing gap between wealth and poverty in the United States. Choose one of the following ideas listed below promoted during this time period and identify why you support this school of thought.

Economic Individualism
Social Gospel

Monday, February 05, 2007

Robber Barons vs. Captains of Industry

After reading "Big Business: Robber Baron or Hero of Industry?" from Feder Viewpoints pp.194-214. Attack or defend American industrialists such as Carnegie and Rockefellar as Robber Barosn or Captains of Industry.

Status: Required
Due Date: 2/7/2007 10:00 pm

Closing the Frontier

For this post revisit your text - The National Experience pp. 456-457 and re-read "The Frontier as an Imitator" by Robert E. Riegal, 1952 and "The Frontier as an Innovator" by Frederick Jackson Turner, 1893.

After reading each perspective on western migration and settlement, defend either Mr. Reigal or Mr. Jackson. Feel free to bring in any necessary information to defend your position.

Status: Optional Post
Due Date: ASAP