Blog Post based on HW readings
Breaking the Bank- Andrew Jackson and the Second Nation Bank and
How Democratic was Jacksonian Democracy?
Option #1 The Second Bank had tremendous influence in government (and if allegations were to be believed, powers beyond just indirect influence); when Jackson made remodeling the Second Bank a priority, the Bank's s loyal politicians pulled out all stops in their attempt to renew the charter, turning it into an election issue. A vote for Jackson's re-election in 1832 meant a vote for economic anarchy (in the words of Bank President Nicholas Biddle). Jackson, ever popular with the average (and perhaps less affluent) citizen won the election. Congress passed a bill to re-charter the bank sending it to the president for approval. Jackson vetoed the bill.
In his veto message ( July 10, 1832) Jackson argued the 2nd B.U.S
a. It concentrated an excessive amount of the nation's financial strength into a single institution
b. It exposed the government to control by "foreign interests"
c. It served mainly to make the rich richer
d. It exercised too much control over members of the Congress
e. It favored Northeastern states over Southern and Western states
Provide evidence from your readings that supports
one of Jackson's arguments. Please post by
November 27th at 6:00 pm